THE ID EXPERIENCE A JOURNEY THROUGH SIERRA LEONE I-D's Fashion Editor at Large Ibrahim Kamara & photographer Rafael Pavarotti cast models from schools and community centers in this striking documentation of the West African nation. INSPIRED, HAPPY, POWERFUL, SCREAMING! So many emotions, this is Sierra Leone, my Sierra Leone, Our Sierra Leone. This editorial captured the beauty, uniqueness and light of my people, the energies, passion and vibes that filled the whole process can not be fully explained, it was a spiritual experience for all. I got to see the the transformative power of arts in all it’s glory, a reassurance in the kings and queens that my city birthed, this project was produced by the whole Sierra Leone, the life of the country contributed to every element that came together to make this work complete, from the smiles at the market to the heat of the sun, everything was divine. Scouting for ...
MASC| FEMME A different take on Masculinity. I’m very sure boys at my primary school never understood why my uniform was always so clean when we left the school premises, neither did the girls in my neighborhood understand how a boy could get so lost in playing dodge ball, these are all childhood memories that I will forever cherish, they shaped me, made me a bit of a clown and also prepared me to be the leader that I am, yes! You heard that right, LEADER. _ I would spend hours indoors helping my mum mix the butter and sugar for cakes she would bake for clients, that was what interested me, I didn’t understand the whole concept of running around a field with other sweaty guys , I was too calm for that but then also too rough for them, strong bones, wild mind and eccentric thoughts, if I had played football with the boys from my school, I’m sure I would have been suspended for violence because to this gentle side there is also a WILD BEAST. _ I still ...