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The ultimate creative

Hey mama, 
How I wish you were here to see what the world has become, now we can share our thoughts and feelings with the world and it gets to inspire or tear down the confidence and journeys of other people, isn't it amazing? 

I'm taking a step forward and starting a blog, I’ve got this constant thread of thought that goes on in my head, yes, the unrest is crazy, almost toxic, but who am I to question my genes, atoms, molecules and brain structure?  So in order to maintain my sanity & free myself from this whirlwind in my brain I will try sharing these thoughts with the few people who are also doing some soul searching. 

My take on life  might get them to jump off a bridge or get the hell off their faces and keep going, but either ways I get to put these thoughts out there into the universe, as a creative person who solely relies  on taste, color, smell, sight, sound and the things I feel to function, one can say my senses are my gift, yes I do believe that, I believe that I see the world from a different view, different from that of which the rest of humanity sees it, and that's fine right? Because in the end you only blessed the universe with one KWAKU KAMARA.

I have spent time exploring me since you've been gone, some of the things I’ve found will shock you, hehe knowing you, I know you will laugh at that last sentence but it's so true mama. I've had to work with youth who are crazier than I am, can you even begin to imagine that? produced shows and run events in a city where nobody understood the term "creativity" , not to mention the trips I’ve gone on without any money, all in search of something greater than myself. 

These cities don't just provide answers, they broaden the question, makes me wonder what's inside fighting to come out, the good thing is, the bigger the question the more I seek, so now I’m seeking more and in this process I am also willing to share more of my journey with others, share these skills with the world, make this mark which you birthed me to make, I am not sure if I’ve gotten over the selfish part of me that's  always wanted to keep all the experiences, tips and knowledge to myself, but what I do know is that I want to share with people as much as they share with me, I wanna bless the world with my own findings as well, does that sound like a selfish thing to say? well then you of all people should know that I am very unapologetic about choosing or admitting  the things that sets my soul on fire, I remember when you would say this constantly during my childhood.

Today I brand myself as a creative director,  a fashion stylist, an activist, the party man, a firecracker and so many other things, but in reality all these terms don't do me justice, after all I am the only KWAKU KAMARA  in this universe. 



  1. This is beautiful piece Kwaku! Mama will be so proud of the man her babyboy has turned into. You’re a gem!


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